Centralised Management System

Energy Grid Suite
An electrical grid is a network of connected structures used to transport power from generators to consumers. Electrical networks come in a variety of sizes.It is composed of
Power plants,power transmission and Distribution of electricity .

Smart Charging Kiosk
A system where an electric vehicle and a charging device share a data connection and the charging device shares a data connection with a charging operator is known as smart EV charging or intelligent charging.

Smart Anti Drone
Pinnacle Telematics' Anti-Drone System identifies, classifies, and tracks drones using passive surveillance, camera sensors, and neutralizes threats by jamming drone transmission. "the drone system should give a multi-sensor based complete and comprehensive solution."

LED Suite
LEDs don't require any warm-up time before reaching their maximum brightness. Contrary to fluorescent lighting, frequent on and off cycles do not shorten life. Over the course of the LED's lifetime, light output progressively declines.

Smart Health

Smart Pole

Smart Water Metering