Mindset Mobile App
Mindset Mobile Application is developed by Decision Makers Ltd. This online service allows authorized users to securely access water quality data from any mobile device, be informed instantly about alerts, and view relevant charts. Text messages and emails can be triggered for additional attention by technical staff.

Main Features
The map page displays all the user’s active stations. Visual navigation tools help the user focus on specific stations or geographical regions. Information is updated every few minutes.
The top of every page is equipped with a status bar, which displays the number of models currently running and the number of active alerts. By clicking the alerts status bar, an interactive display of all the active alerts will be shown with easy access to each alerted model.

Stations Menu
The Models page displays the models’ status, last update, timestamp and type. It also displays an exclamation mark beside the models which have triggered an alert, color-coded to the alarm’s severity. Clicking a model button will lead the user to the model’s dashboard.
Model Dashboard
The model dashboard displays the current values of the model’s measurements and the model status. It allows the user to navigate to the next or previous model. The dashboard includes 3 additional pages: data, graphs and events.

Model Graphs
The model’s graphs show data for a pre-defined time window in a line chart format. The chart can be configured by the user to display any combination of variables for any time window.
Model Data
The model’s data page shows historical details of variables’ measurements. The user can choose the time range he wishes to display. The display contains 4 additional buttons, enabling the user to fast forward or go back to either the end and the beginning of the page.

Model Events
The model’s events page shows historical and current events for any selected time window. Events with highest severity will be displayed first. The user is also able to classify events.
Each user gets a private token, which allows them to register only to a specific device. That guarantees users cannot be transferred. The user is saved to the device until logout is committed.